For Men Only

Take care of yourselves...

The Face

First let us look at the basics of facial care.

1- Wash your face daily.
Because of its exposure to the weather and environment, the face should at least be washed twice daily, before going out and at the end of the day.

The ritual should be aided by a facial exfoliate and a facial wash. The exfoliating weeds out foreign bodies while the facial wash freshens it.

An example of such products.

The face should include the back of the ears and the neck.

2- Protect the face.

Use a cream or a lotion that moisturizes the facial skin.

An example of such products.

Apply it immediately after a shower or a face wash. Make sure the face is dry.

Areas to note.
Nose, around the mouth, back of the ears, and neck.

These are the places that we would habitually miss out.

It does not matter how cheap or expensive the product is but like many other things it should fit you. It defeats the purpose if you buy a thousand dollar product but your skin is allergic to its ingredients.

It is a good thing to buy them in a set. This is because they have been designed to complement each other. Unless of course if you a chemist professor. I am sure you would have gone through secondary/high school chemistry. You know certain chemicals do not mix. Surely you do not want your face to explode?

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